jeudi 27 mai 2010


So...I wrote all this stuff in French about knowing that staying here in Bethlehem was the right thing to do for next year. I still believe that, but I just had a little meltdown this afternoon, feeling very lonely. I miss everyone I know and love, and sometimes I really hate globalisation for being the way it is. WHY ARE WE ALL OVER THE PLACE?

This meltdown probably has to do with the fact that The Pan Show closed last week-end, and that there is now very little for me to do for more than a week until rehearsals start for the summer kid's show. Also, a lot of my friends are taking exams, if they haven't already, and not being around to support them does make me feel particularly isolated. Not being around to celebrate family events and successes also makes me feel isolated.

I have cabin fever, and I'm realizing I'm becoming a workaholic.

If anyone wants to remind me that my choices aren't completely ridiculous, that I am not ruining my life and that I might perhaps find some sort of emotional stability some day, that would be greatly appreciated. If not, don't worry. I'll deal. I will. It's just... sigh. Life is... sighable, sometimes.

2 commentaires:

Juliette Prayer a dit…

oh, le vieux coup de blues, mais c'est génial ce que tu fais, je t'envie moi, d'avoir tout ce courage et ces merveilleuses expériences!
et puis c'est beau aussi de voir que les liens tiennent malgré la distance, elle est là la stabilité. Et puis je suis ultra chiante en ce moment, je cours le 1500 demain, tu rates rien je te dis, c'est pas les moments où je suis bien agréable. GROS GROS BISOUS
Ta ju

Damien Thébault a dit…

Such an opportunity of an international experience in a domain you like must be rare.
In addition there's maybe not a lot of moments in your life when you'll be able to do this.
So I'd say you should just go for it.